mario :) about me and also about inkliened

the webidiot

Hi my name is inkliened, but is not that in real life. I like old things, and neocities happens to be all about that. I'll host my videos on here, and you will watch them.

what the cr*p is inkliened?

Alot of people ask me what do the random names that I use online mean at school. Like "vete" or "klein". Well, the truth is they mean nothing. I just came up with these names when I couldn't think of anything else to use. There is no meaning behind "klein", I just got it from a random name generator when I was trying to create a series a while back. While the series never saw the light of day, I kind of liked using the word "klein" as a play-on-words.

my favorite things

movies: earth to echo, bwp, super 8, signs,
music: low, duster, neutral milk, kendrick, ftp, tyler, aphex twin
games: half life, cs,
books: countdown, left behind,
shows: the office,